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Aussie Coffee…

Coffee is an Art Taken to a Whole New Level in Australia


This may sound ridiculous, but I get extremely excited about having a cappuccino every morning here in Australia… and sometimes I let myself have another in the afternoon too, if I really want to indulge.

Back in America, I never chose to drink a cup of coffee for the taste.

But here in Australia, a cup of coffee is a treat I look forward to everyday.

Sure, a small cup of coffee does not seem like a big deal. But it is such a simple thing that makes my day that much better.

To me, it has become a reminder of how happy and grateful I am everyday that I am in a wonderful new country and that I need to continue to make the most of my experience here.

Cappuchino at The Crabble Hole @ Bondi Icebergs


I will try to explain the difference, but you really have to taste Australian coffee yourself to fully understand.

First of all, Americans tend to drink drip-brewed coffee, it takes less time and money and it is able to be produced on a larger scale. Most homes and cafes in the United States brew a large pot in the morning and drink or serve it throughout the day as needed.

On the other hand, Australian coffee is espresso-based, and it is way stronger than American coffee. Each drink is made individually and to order, meaning the coffee is not waiting in the pot for the next customer’s order.

Basically, you can get the same caffeine effect from a small sized Australian coffee as you would from a 12-ounce (tall size at Starbucks) American coffee.

Historically, Australia’s coffee culture is partly influenced from the large Italian immigrant population. They brought with them their barista skills and excellent coffee, and you can find some of the best Italian baristas in Sydney; notice the Italian brands of coffee everywhere, such as Segafredo Zanetti, Vittoria and Lavazza.

Local cafes serve artisan Australian-roasted coffee too. Some of the best are known to be Campos Coffee, Toby Estate and Single Origin. You will be sure to get a great cup of coffee at the cafes serving these!

To get to enjoy this amazing taste, you first need to learn all the different names and ways to order each style of coffee here. To clear up any confusion you may have when you arrive from overseas, here is an Aussie coffee guide to help you order your first drink:


Short Black: A single shot of espresso

Macchiato: Espresso with milk froth on top

(In case you didn’t know: “Froth” is the common name for micro-foam, which is created when steaming the milk, it is smooth and creamy)

Long Black: Espresso with hot water – about 1/3 espresso and 2/3 water

(If you want a close approximation of a regular cup of American coffee, order a long black)

Cappuccino: Espresso, steamed milk, milk froth and chocolate powder on top J

(This is my go to, it is delicious!)

Latte: Basically a cappuccino without the chocolate powder, usually served in a glass

Mocha: A latte with hot chocolate

Flat White: Espresso with steamed milk—about 1/3 espresso and 2/3 milk

(The closest approximation in America would be a latte with no foam)

Piccolo: Same as a latte but with less milk

Iced Coffee: Generally means cold espresso, milk and a scoop of ice cream 🙂

(Definitely better than in America, the scoop of ice cream is a great touch!)

If you are going to drink a cup of coffee here in Australia, you are meant to fully enjoy it. I luckily discovered the joyous experience of drinking an Aussie cappuccino my first week here, so now I can take advantage of having one (or two) every day that I am here in Australia.

Bourke Street Bakery


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