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Work and Travel Company

Fruit Picker – Rosebank

We are a large finger lime orchard based in Northern NSW , not far from Byron Bay.

This job is to pick finger limes (a bit like picking blue berries) . You are paid $2.50 / kg picked.

However the base rate is $32 hr basic wage. You can double this if you pick more than 20kg in an hour.

You start at 7am and finish at 10am. It gets too hot after 10am!.

There is also work after 10am packing and grading the fruit. This is paid at the basic wage.

There is no accomodation on farm. Payment is fortnightly.

You MUST have work visa docs, bank account, super account and tax file number to be paid. NO CASH!

You must wear suitable footwear , long sleeve shirt and have protective eyewear and sun protection.

This position lasts for 3 – 4 months depending on seasonal conditions.

Please login or Buy a package to apply for this job.

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